
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That Tonights Gonna Be A Good Night

Can’t Fight This… Feeling



It’s an amazing feeling, the heart pumping so hard that it might burst alongside the inability to breathe, adrenalin making everything so clear alongside the impossibility of rational thinking, fight or flight, basic human nature. This feeling, a natural drug created by our own bodies, has become an addiction for many people.  It used to be that the most popular way to achieve this high was to do daring, dangerous, and all around idiotic feats, may they be sky diving, lying, fighting.  Thankfully, the king (or queen) has been dethroned, and in their place lays a new ruler: scary movies.


Scary movies, may they be horror or suspense, have become more and more popular with the younger generations. Titles such as: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Silence of the Lambs, The Blair Witch Project have made movie history and have spawned many imitations. Yet what is it that keeps the audience hooked on scary movies, and has them constantly wanting more?


When asked why she adores scary movies, horror in particular, my good friend Doodi would not hesitate to answer, “ They help let my anger out”.  When I asked her to elaborate Doodi went on to explain that watching girls, and guys, get chopped into pieces, while hearing their screams, is a great way to relieve stress and anger.


I personally enjoy watching scary movies because I have a odd need for fear. I enjoy freaking myself out. Like when I watched the movie Orphan. I have always had it in my head that when I get older I will either adopt or foster children, now I doubt you could get me within 100 ft. of an orphanage, and if you actually did, I would run, screaming bloody murder, towards the nearest exit.


With Halloween just around the river bend, scary movies are popping out of studios like jiffy pop with a hole in it. Some of these movies are The Step Father, Paranormal Activity, and Saw IV.  Will the teens who watch these movies fight it out and watch the movie to the end? Or will they choose to run out of the theater faster then Hermes on a good day?




Saturday, October 3, 2009

40 WHAAAT!!??

This is an essay/speech I wrote last summer while I was at Philips Exeter, ENJOY :)

40 what?

It is an odd experience when an American comedian knows more about your religion then you do.  You might begin to wonder how he knows more then you. A comedian who uses a dummy knows more then you: a Muslim girl who has attended an orthodox Muslim school since kindergarten. If you “do jihad” and die you get forty –not thirty but forty virgin women when you go to heaven.

Since when did you get 40 virgin women if die from jihad? I thought that you only get ask god to forgive ten people of your choice and go through a special door to heaven. In all my five religion courses I have never heard of anything about forty virgins.

When I first heard this fact I went to one of my friend who was in junior year and asked about the forty virgin women. “I don’t know, never heard of anything like that”, was what she told me. Well.. I guess that means she knows nothing because how can the American comedian be wrong?

I wonder if I were to “do jihad” right now what would I get? Since I am a woman would also get forty virgin women? Islam has co-ed reward system. What the men get the women get just as well. So I guess I would get forty women; but that would be contradicting my religion.

Who do I trust? On one side I have a non-Muslim comedian who says if you die because of jihad you get 40 virgin women; and on the other side I have my prior knowledge of Islam, a junior, and every thing I have ever learnt; saying you don't?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Dream I Had

I don't dream often, but when I do the dream is more or less a movie. NO, not an actual movie that you can go to a theater and see. When I dream it feels like I am in a movie, not watching, but actually in one. I usually am myself in my dreams, but sometimes I play the role of someone completely different.

Last night's, really this morning's, dream was cool-ish, so I have decided to write about it before I forget it.


I was sitting at one of the tables that overlooked the dancing, quietly sipping my tea, watching as the usually reserved get mad from alcohol. In the middle of the crowd was Pantora, not to be confused with the website,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Summer Post

comic from -> (check it out, nerd/geek humor)

I have come up with a few ideas for posts, and I,inshallah, will write a post for each idea.

Blog ideas:

Stuff no one knows about me


Loners and people who get left out

DAS (my rant about our school)

Analyzing myself and my personality


since i feel lazy right no, i won't type an actual post

so yup this is all u get

Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Inspirations

I, as most of the world knows, am an avid reader. I love reading anything, especially stories, and on top of that fantasy stories.

This is pretty much a bunch of links to my favorite ONLINE stories and writers,



He has some of the most hilarious stories ever, they are pure genius

my favs of his are: Classified and Baking Through Suicide

I have not finished reading all his writings but I am working in it

“There’s nothing wrong with me,” I reply calmly, “I’m not the suicidal one in this conversation.”
She’s quiet for a moment. “Touché,” she concedes. ~~
from Baking Through suicide

I was in awe. Before my eyes, the true power of nerds had been revealed. In the space of one lesson, they had pulled off the most amazing stunt. A coup d’crayon. They had turned a useless amount of yellow pencils into hugely valuable black pencils! Come next lesson involving colouring, they’d be kings of the classroom. ~~ from Classified



The only story of hers I truly liked was Master of Ravens, it made me cry;

not because it was sad but because it was so beautiful

the story is really weird and hard to get but I loved it

I could break the raven’s neck with my own hands but the death would be too bloodless, too clean. I draw my knife instead, whisper my apologies, and cut open its stomach. It’s a quick killing, a kind one, but the bird’s organs spill out over my hands and onto the floor. The smell is sharp and sickly.

I mark my little brother’s face with my bloody hands.

‘That’s yours,’ I tell him. ‘That’s what you would have me do.’

At least he does not look away. ~~
from Master of Ravens



This is a link for a poem I recently read and loved,

I love verse iv



Another poem that is just so amazing



OK i admit that this is not exactly a story or such, but the drawings are so pretty ( cry your eyes out pretty ) and they story line is cute

From the Comic MYth: My Seasons


I have more but I'm not gonna tell you about the rest of the writer because they are FF writer, and most likely you don't know what FF stands for,

lets keep it that way (a)


i have mooved

i have moved to word press

Pick A Song

Choose any song then write what ever come to your mind...

my song:

what i wrote:

Come dance with me
Your two left feet fit perfectly with mine
My two right feet


My school is based on book smarts, only book smarts
At least that's how I feel,

I know people who get better grades then me but I know that I am smarter then them, not that I am a narcissist, I am saying this from everyday interactions in and outside the class

I understand stuff extremely fast, I also can’t remember anything important to save my life, I can remember a song or a joke or a rhyme but when It comes to school subjects:
In one ear and out the other

Girls who get near perfect grades or even perfect grades are sometimes the biggest idiots I have ever met,
They cant understand the simplest of problems, they always get confused, they can’t solve problems, but they can memorize, so they get better grades then me

When a teacher explains something hey always build up, starting slowly, then boom they give you the information,
I get it from the first few words…

When I was in ninth grade I understood myself a whole chapter by looking at one question, that was before the teacher opened her mouth,
That was before the question got answered


Is it ok to cry
For no reason
When your heart screams

Is it ok to scream
Just yell and yell
Let everything

Is it ok?


Dance like there is no yesterday or tomorrow
Sing like no one can hear and the only the earth can
Scream like the all the world is deaf and the heavens are listening
Cry like there is no hope and then like there is hope because there is
This day is yours
Forget the world
Think only of yourself
Live only for yourself
For one day

God dam it

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The omegle chat the PWNS all other omegle chats XD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi sweets
Stranger: Hey pumpkin!
You: long time no see! did you get a sex change?? what r u now m or f?
Stranger: well.. i thought after you were forcefully castrated because of sex change.. it wasn't wise to go for any such procedure
You: ahhh,
You: thankfuly i dont need one
You: as you can tell
You: i am still f
Stranger: oh.. another sex change..
You: how old r u now, r those wrinkles i see?
Stranger: well after the castratation i guess u needed one..
You: poor sweety
Stranger: well thats the skin u shed during the time you were banished..
Stranger: i guess u're suffering from amenisia..
You: OMG!! how did u no??
You: i kept it a secret
Stranger: becoz it was beamed live sugar..
You: :'(
Stranger: everyon knows..
You: but thanks for telling me
You: noww i can kill the people in charge of the TV station
Stranger: well..u prob. don't remember but it was your wish in the first place.
You: what r u talking about??
You: OMG dont tell me thats what they told u??!!!
Stranger: amnesia is totally killing you .. sweetums
You: will you help me remember my past hunny bum
Stranger: probably due to hormonal changes
Stranger: no point doing that..
You: why not
You: ?
Stranger: you won't recollect it the next morning
Stranger: you have amnesia.
Stranger: good lord..
You: oooh ya i forgot
You: thank you for reminding me
Stranger: you can't remember this even..
You: yes i will, i will always remember u!
You: i will dream of you
You: like that person from 50 first dates
Stranger: well.. you just said long time no see..
You: because i remember you
Stranger: their was a video tape for you too.
You: really!!! i wanna watch it
You: i hope they got my good side
Stranger: you cant.. babydoll..
You: why not love?
Stranger: because your eyes are closed..
You: really??
You: so am i like blind?
Stranger: candy heart.. you are asleep..
Stranger: this is a dream..
You: this is a dream! ur a dream?!
Stranger: well you said you dream about me .. remember..
You: but i want you to be real.... i miss you... so very very much
Stranger: i am always with you..soulmate..
Stranger: you just don't remember it..
You: i do i do remember you
You: you make me remember
Stranger: that is exactly what I am doing.. honey.
You: my heart it is overflowing with memories, memories of my love for u
Stranger: I am your alter ego. paramour.
You: no you cant be, that means i like myself! weird
Stranger: well.. weird it maybe but thats true..
Stranger: you have made this up in your mind.
Stranger: there is no coming back..
You: no i haven't, my love is to great to be fake
Stranger: all you can do is keep on dreaming..
Stranger: it is not fake..
Stranger: your love is eternal..
Stranger: its immortal..
You: i will keep on dreaming and i will keep on loving
Stranger: its always with you..
Stranger: its always in you..
Stranger: it is you..
Stranger: dream or not..
You: no, its you
You: you are my emotion of love
Stranger: you will always have your truelove
You: you have taught me how to love again
Stranger: I am just a figment of your imagination..
You: (random note: do u have facebook??)
Stranger: I will teach you to live again..
You: no u r not
You: u r as real as me
Stranger: //that depends on you.. do you have a facebook acc..
You: yup :P
Stranger: I am as real as your dreams..
Stranger: //then your alter ego too has a facebook acc.
You: and my dreams will become reality
You: what is my alter ego's account
You: ??
Stranger: then you will learn to live again..
Stranger: whats your account??
You: with you by my side
You: shadia al-shafei
You: urs?
Stranger: //well good then..
Stranger: //you should know your love's facebook acc.. after all its your alter ego..
You: what is it?
You: what is urs?
Stranger: //why do you want to know?
You: you should know your love's facebook acc
You: .......
Stranger: ..hmm.. well played.. but the point is you neednot ask it .. it should be always known to you..
Stranger: you break my heart..
You: i have aminisia
You: you must help me remember
Stranger: lol..
Stranger: well you already know it..
You: i do??
Stranger: yeah..
Stranger: ask yourself..
You: ummmmmmmmm... bob??
Stranger: bob was your mentor silly...
You: well then, is it: joe the plumber??
Stranger: do you wanna him to be??
You: no
Stranger: then its no..
You: he's old
You: give me a clue ooh love of mine!!
Abeer Al-Mousa
Stranger: does that ring a bell?
You: LIAR!!!!!
You: loooooooooool
You: goolee walla!!!!
Stranger: i am you..
Stranger: if you lie .. i lie..
You: and sweets abeer does not no english that well
Stranger: its a hint ..
You: it would have been better if you said Raghad
You: or jessica
Stranger: what does goolee mean though.. sweetums?
You: if you were abeer you would no love
Stranger: i told you it was a hint..
Stranger: how you interpret is your choice
Stranger: okay..
Stranger: i will tell you..
You: .....
Stranger: if you tell me the meaning of goolee..
You: it means tell me
Stranger: alright..
You: sooo
Stranger: so is it a slang or.. the actual word..
You: its arabic
Stranger: I am form Dhahran Ahliyya .
Stranger: *from
Stranger: okay
Stranger: happy sweetheart
Stranger: batch of 2011
You: hmmmm
You: let me see
Stranger: I am Alex.
You: ....????
You: i don;t no any one in my year called alex
You: sooo
You: let me give u a simple quiz
Stranger: how many times do i have to tell hav amnesia...!!!!!
You: how many boys do i have in my school??
Stranger: how do you want?
You: ???
Stranger: how many boys do you want in your class?
You: guess the number of boys in my grade (just to make easier
You: :)
Stranger: 0.
Stranger: but your heart wants more
You: is this Danya???
You: or is it Sarah???
Stranger: do you want this to be Danya.
Stranger: or Sarah.
Stranger: wow.. you are attracted to girls..
Stranger: no wonder.. the sex change operations..
Stranger: alright i guess i have bugged you enough..
You: yes you have..
Stranger: but to be fair you started it..
You: im sorry alter ego
You: but please tell me who you r??
Stranger: i understand sweety pie!
Stranger: umm.. well ..
You: ..........
You: -_-
Stranger: do you want to be friends?
You: ok :D
You: but really who r u??
Stranger: do you have your facebook open?
You: yup :)
Stranger: n how many boys are their in a girls school?
You: hurry cause for real i have 2 go
Stranger: okay..
You: one the security
Stranger: I am not anyone you already know.
Stranger: My name is Apurv Sinha.
You: hi :)
You: add me on fb cause i really need to go
Stranger: alright.. love :) good bye!
You: or i am going to killed by my friend's little sis :P
You: who is taller then me
Stranger: don't worry.. your love will protect you..
You: okk g2g
You: BYE!!!!!
You: ♥
Stranger: bbye!!
You have disconnected.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm The Stumbling Queen or not...

Stuff I found while stumbling :-


song chart memes

2- -> check this site out, it's for all the people who have FML blocked by Aramco :)


4- -> is <3


6- I love Calvin and Hobbes <3

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Speech

I had to do a speech to try out for MUN, it's about changing unsustainable production and consumption from the point of view of India,

As the motto of The UN Department of Economic and Social Affair’s Division for Sustainable Development is
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needs”
So is India’s when it comes to the topic of sustainable development.

Unsustainable production and consumption is one of the leading causes for many of today’s problems such as:
Polluting fresh water sources,
The destruction of fragile eco systems
The un-safe management of radioactive waste
And the list goes on

That is why India encourages all countries to follow her lead
For we have two national coordination bodies that are “The National Development Council” and “The Planning Commission”
Both of which are headed by our beloved prime minister
That works towards sustainable development

We have also laid down a great number of plans for achieving sustainable development such as our “National Water Policy” and our “Health Policy”

But India knows that our words can only do so much
For it is up to you to be a change in your country.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where the wild things are

This is one of my favorite books of all time

i hope the movie will do it justice

(i cant embed it so watch it on youtube)

what do you think???

Sunday, June 7, 2009

two for one day!

I decided to also post another musing i wrote while on the bus....
its longer then the other musings i wrote,
and a bit more personal (towards the end)



Think positively
You will be happier
The world will have a shine
All your dreams will come true

Ooh ya, you will also face hearts breaks every second

Things don't always go your way
The world is not a nice place
Its built on broken dreams

Only when you admit that
Can you start living

Hiding behind rose tinted glasses
Will only bring sadness

Be realistic
Your dreams wont always come true
Things wont always go your way

Believing that it will make your heart break

And broken hearts hurt like...


When I try to be positive, when I think everything will be great, when I think a day is perfect
I end up crying
Back home
All alone

My greatest moments happen when I think negatively
Or more realistically
Because life proves me wrong
And that feeling is better then anything in the world


When you think positively,
When bad stuff happens,
When you fail,
Life really sucks
You feel like crap
When good stuff happens,
You don't really get excited
You already knew that god thing was gonna happen,
Or at the least you were expecting it
When you think realistically,
When bad stuff happens,
You were expecting it,
You don't feel as sad,
So ya,
And when the world proves you wrong,
And all goes right,
It feels amazing
It feels right…



*I thought I was gonna do soo bad at BERMUN,
I called my friend, nearly crying

And I became a main submitter

*I thought I was not going to get into MUN
cause I rushed and stuttered through my speech

but I got in

*I thought that I was going to die one night

I woke up alive :P

*I thought that my friends gave a shit about my Birthday

I was wrong
(this does not include 11th grade or maism or doodi or lulu)
(and getting me stuff the second day does not make me forgive you,
cause i care zilch about presents and you should no that,
i just wanted my so called friends to care,
and maybe realize i was mad at them,
but yaa that did not go as planned)

*I thought I bought Sims 2

I got a fake

*I thought that my parent were gonna get me a thing I really wanted

They did not

Soo ya

Thank you :)


a musing I wrote in school,
dedicated to Samar <3

I'm Blowing out to sea...


Ever heard of these words???

I guess not
Because you are obsessed with your cookie-cutter essays,

Not every one is like you
Like your perfect little vision

We are our own people

And you can’t control me
You never will be able to

I’m a storm

Deduct my marks
Get me in trouble

I’m going far places
And you are never gonna move

You say you want to teach us to be leaders of tomorrow

Truthfully you are teaching us how to be followers of today and ever

You are not helping us
You are bring us down

You lie
You discriminate
You CRUSH creativity

And that is why
We will always hate you



if u read my blog
can u tell me???????

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Own Personal River ~Late Night Musings

My best thoughts come to me late at night, when I'm curled up in bed, not on my Laptop or such, but like gonna fall asleep any second, so this is last nights musing, enjoy


Your writings,
your singing,
the way you express yourself,
is a portal, a window to your mind,
your inner one,
your feelings,
your way of life
you can't lie when you express your self with art
life will not let you
you will not let your self,
without even realizing it,

life is crazy,
oddballish ,
like that
nothing is right
everything is not what we want it but as we want it

as we truly want it

but not like all that inner mind bull,
but more like a different power
one from your soul,
no not even the soul but from a place that you don't know exists

now I'm making no sense to anyone but myself

i sort of like that feeling
it makes me feel special
like i'm a one of a kind

I never want to be like the crowd
because the one who is in the crowd will never stand out
therefor they will be forgotten
no one will care if they existed

so if wearing brightly colored shoes helps me stand out
and dying my hair just for fun does
so be it


WOW my brain is weird at night
eeeeer ya
an inner look in to the workings of my mind

enjoy :P

and if you read this just like put a comment saying like hi shadia i read your blog
cause there is no worst feeling then
the feeling of yelling out
but being ignored


Monday, June 1, 2009

A short story

This is a short story I am working on, it's about my school (DAS) and my friends, but with a few changes to make it a whole hell lot more interesting,

I have not proof read it, so I probably have tons of grammar and spelling mistakes :P


Year 1

“Pass the gun,” I told Amanda “I want to say bye to this class”.
“Same here, this class makes Hasib (7asib / computer) seem interesting and fun” She replied all sleepy like. She made a gun gesture with her hand, and pointed it to her head. “Bang.. bang” she said “I’m dead”
“Jerk” I said glaringly at her “you could have waited for me.”
“Oops, sorry”
“What ever, your forgiven, but only if you give me the gun”
“Here” she made a mime of throwing something. I mimed catching. And with nimble fingers I made a gun and blow out my brains. Or so I wished.

It was only after 20 long minuets, which felt like three hours, was I, and the rest of the class, able to leave.

“God have mercy on us” I said, while throwing my arms around Amanda’s shoulders, leaning my head into the middle of her shoulder blades, “if I have to live through one more Aarabi (Arabic / 3arabi) class I am going to commit seppuku.”

“Seppuku?” Amanda asked me, while rolling her shoulder to push me away. I let go and moved to the side and fell into step with her.

“Ritual suicide” I replied with a smile, “you stick a sword into her stomach, then if you don’t like make noise, some one slices your head off.”

“Lets do that”
“Yaa, we could make your sister chop our heads off”
“Which one?”
“The youngest.”
“I’ll get a sword to stab our selves but you need to get the other sword.”

I know what your thinking lame ass, Japan freak, looser, or if you go by the name Daina or Sami: HOOOOOOOOZER!!!!! .

OK so we are over dramatic freaks, who just happen to be giant nerds, a point I don’t believe you picked up on yet.

So after learning that fact your probably wondering why to loser nerds are hating a class, so as most stories go, I am going to take a break from reality to tell you about yours truly and all my Mary-Sue friends.

First Me, or as the rest of the world calls me: Milly Karr or The Milly-Mobile. Yes, lame nickname but its mine.

(Taken from my FaceBook profile)

I’m just your average 16-year-old sophomore, ok not really. I am UBER-hyper sometimes, extremely lazy most-times. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire. I never do my homework, but I’m the queen of copying it. Somehow I get good grades. I am quick to understand stuff and am an MUN geek. I like reading and I’m a pyromaniac.

(/Taken from my FaceBook profile)

Now Amanda:
Her name full name is Amanda Turner, or Termi-manda (think terminator), or just Mandy.
We have known each other since ever but we only became friends in Junior High. She used to be an annoying nerd, goody-two-shoes to the max before we became friends. I am proud to say that I taught her how to curse like a pro-baller, bitch like a drunk, and slack like a college student. I’m so proud.
It was during our freshmen year that we came up with the “Kill Myself/Suicide” game, in which we come up with ways to kill ourselves, then try to mime them out with out or teachers noticing.
Were messed up, I know, but so is every one else in our school.

Welcome to my school: Marker Pride Schools, or MPS for short. It is the best school in our area, but also the hardest.

A short story

This is a short story I am working on, it's about my school (DAS) and my friends, but with a few changes to make it a whole hell lot more interesting,

I have not proof read it, so I probably have tons of grammar and spelling mistakes :P



Year 1

“Pass the gun,” I told Amanda “I want to say bye to this class”.
“Same here, this class makes Hasib (7asib / computer) seem interesting and fun” She replied all sleepy like. She made a gun gesture with her hand, and pointed it to her head. “Bang.. bang” she said “I’m dead”
“Jerk” I said glaringly at her “you could have waited for me.”
“Oops, sorry”
“What ever, your forgiven, but only if you give me the gun”
“Here” she made a mime of throwing something. I mimed catching. And with nimble fingers I made a gun and blow out my brains. Or so I wished.

It was only after 20 long minuets, which felt like three hours, was I, and the rest of the class, able to leave.

“God have mercy on us” I said, while throwing my arms around Amanda’s shoulders, leaning my head into the middle of her shoulder blades, “if I have to live through one more Aarabi (Arabic / 3arabi) class I am going to commit seppuku.”

“Seppuku?” Amanda asked me, while rolling her shoulder to push me away. I let go and moved to the side and fell into step with her.

“Ritual suicide” I replied with a smile, “you stick a sword into her stomach, then if you don’t like make noise, some one slices your head off.”

“Lets do that”
“Yaa, we could make your sister chop our heads off”
“Which one?”
“The youngest.”
“I’ll get a sword to stab our selves but you need to get the other sword.”

I know what your thinking lame ass, Japan freak, looser, or if you go by the name Daina or Sami: HOOOOOOOOZER!!!!! .

OK so we are over dramatic freaks, who just happen to be giant nerds, a point I don’t believe you picked up on yet.

So after learning that fact your probably wondering why to loser nerds are hating a class, so as most stories go, I am going to take a break from reality to tell you about yours truly and all my Mary-Sue friends.

First Me, or as the rest of the world calls me: Milly Karr or The Milly-Mobile. Yes, lame nickname but its mine.

(Taken from my FaceBook profile)

I’m just your average 16-year-old sophomore, ok not really. I am UBER-hyper sometimes, extremely lazy most-times. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire. I never do my homework, but I’m the queen of copying it. Somehow I get good grades. I am quick to understand stuff and am an MUN geek. I like reading and I’m a pyromaniac.

(/Taken from my FaceBook profile)

Now Amanda:
Her name full name is Amanda Turner, or Termi-manda (think terminator), or just Mandy.
We have known each other since ever but we only became friends in Junior High. She used to be an annoying nerd, goody-two-shoes to the max before we became friends. I am proud to say that I taught her how to curse like a pro-baller, bitch like a drunk, and slack like a college student. I’m so proud.
It was during our freshmen year that we came up with the “Kill Myself/Suicide” game, in which we come up with ways to kill ourselves, then try to mime them out with out or teachers noticing.
Were messed up, I know, but so is every one else in our school.

Welcome to my school: Marker Pride Schools, or MPS for short. It is the best school in our area, but also the hardest.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Disney = EVIL :P

Disney Princess

According to Disney a princess is kind and caring, beautiful and modest, polite and witty, educated and trusting, and you cannot forget the most important aspect utterly and inexplicably perfect. She is as posed as she is graceful and brave. She cares deeply about her people and does everyth…. (5 min later)…(10 min later) … ahh sorry about that, I had to go and rinse myself of the utter unrealistic images that Disney portrays in its classics.

A child learns how to be brave and how to face their fears by watching our favorite princesses face off against their antagonists. Although if you were to re-watch many Disney classics you will see the fearless prince dreamy facing off while little Miss. Perfect stands outside of the ring cheering him on. Heaven forbid she fights she might break a nail. And fight if she must she uses every one of her feminine wiles to distract the evil doer as the charmingly brave prince comes up with a cunning plan to defeat the hideous villain. A perfect example for this is Jasmine from the Disney classic Aladdin. We watch as our hero Aladdin tries to subdue the king of farmer's tan Jaffar , to buy him time Princess Jasmine starts to kiss Jaffar. wow that is really what we want to teach our children : when in doubt make out. Pleasant.

True love at first sight. Girl sees boy, girl falls in love, boy hears girl, boy falls in love, boy has no fricken clue who girl is, girl has no fricken clue who boy is, a match made in heaven. Disney heaven that is. As we watch any classic Disney movie we can find many common denominators, an important one would be how easy it is to find true love and how it is even easier to recognize it. In the Little Mermaid the red headed mermaid princess Ariel falls in love with a human she rescues from certain death. Event though she did not find out his name, age, job, personality she still gave up her voice just to be with him, for all she knew he could have been married with three kids, two cats, one dog, and half a pet gold fish. The human turns out to be no other then a prince. Big surprise there. The prince fell in love with Ariel, well not really Ariel but her amazing voice. Does he know what she looks like? no. Does he know her hair color at least? no. You can tell that this relationship is going to be very successful. You the reader decide whether that was sarcasm or not.

Disney classics are some of the most perverted cartoons known to man excluding the Simpsons and Family Guy. How!!? you may ask or When!!? is also a likely choice of question. When ever I bring up this point during discussions (yes i have discussions about Disney movies) people look at me with calculating eyes, it is as if they are trying to see into my mind. Alas that is a subject for another time. Well moving along I shall give proof to my claims. In Snow White the prince opens her glass coffin and kisses her. He kissed a dead girl. I would also like you to use your imagination on how the apple came out. note no peck on the lips would do that. I wonder what was going on in his head when he opened a coffin and kissed a dead girl.

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Disney princesses must have huge eyes or all the princes are shallower then a puddle in the dessert. Disney princesses are known for their extreme kindness to all things living. They are a proof that good souls triumph over the bad. In Cinderella you have well Cinderella as good as good souls get. She cares about animals and people. Due to her pure heart the prince falls for her. No wait, he does not event know her, he does not know she is an animal lover, he would have not event spoken to her but alas poor little other girls who were fawning over mister prince's heart Cinderella was prettier then them. That is the reason the prince danced with her. He wanted a fetching queen not a smart educated one but a queen who is appealing to the eye.

Ahh yes what do Disney classics teach kids? Is it kindness or is it vanity? Is it that love is at first sight or that we should grab onto a crush and never let it go? I guess one could find themselves describing a Disney princess as a little harpy who quickly spots her prey and just as quickly reels it in using her harpy powers and the prey's ability to forget about the inside then she goes off and lives happily ever after.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In a fantasy World

pretty much a random one-shot that makes no sense to anybody but me :)
enjoy, but beware of badly placed commas, bad grammar, bad spelling, and weird talking :P


“We may not be gods, but we shall live like gods” he said with a smile, as he looked down at the girl. His eyes brimming with different emotions: happiness... hope... excitement... pain... sorrow.

She saw all of that, being only six did not stop her from recognizing every emotion in his eyes even the ones he tried hard to hide, but she was still to young. She did not understand when to go along with the moment and when to put the moment to a stop.

“How are we gonna live like gods, we got no money, no magic, and were both to young to get jobs, do I gotta remind you all the time that we are street eaters?” Her mouth set in a deep frown, as she stared at him with huge plain brown eyes. Her thin hands pulling at his shirt, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

He smiled at her sadly, no child of that age should know so much about the world. No… children at that age are supposed to have baby fat, they are supposed to be surrounded by parents, grandparent, uncles, aunts who spoil them with cakes and gifts. Children at that age are not supposed to even know what a street eater is, let alone be one!

She stared at him, looking confused, pulling on his shirt when he did not reply, when he did not answer. “Burnt, Burnt..” she whined, “Tell me how!”

It was only after she called his name that Burnt realized that he had been lost in thought.

“Well..” he said, as she looked up at him with curious eyes. “Who said we don't gots magic?” Before she could reply, he scooped her up, hands under her arms, and swung her around in a circle a few times before placing her on his shoulder.

“Let me down! Let me down!” she yowled. Small fists hammering down on his back. “Never!” he dramatically yelled.

He ignored her continuous screams of annoyance, as he started to walk down the street looking for a place to sleep that night, thankful that the young girl had forgotten their earlier conversation.

She was not ready to learn the truth; she was still far too young.

the end

Monday, May 18, 2009

post 1.5

This is not post number 2 but more of an explanation of this blog.

1)the name of the blog is : Third Times The Charm or T3C for short. it might be changed in the future

2)the domain name is : Pwned that blog (pwnedthatblog), I just randomly came up with it.

3) this is not a gaming/gamers blog. I might talk about games but I will focus on other stuff.

4) i hate spelling, so those are not typos but spelling mistakes

5) i do not reread before posting, so beware of mistakes and confusing grammar

6) i will write about what is on my mind, so most of the posts will jump from topic to topic

7) i am a very sarcastic person, so please keep this in mind while reading.

8) i might submit some of my essays and speeches that i have written as a post

9) if you like the blog, please stalk me!

10) ten is my fav number

and thank you

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Third Times The Charm

Hello World,

So as any sane human can guess, this is my third attempt at blogging. My past two tries failed, no not failed, died from:
Lack of sun light,
Not really giving,
Never got around to posting anything,
You know, the usual.

Hopefully third time will be the so called "Charm". Three wishes from a genie, the three Musketeers, three blind mice. It seems good things come in three and judging from Disney movies: the BEST comes LAST.

Now after that lovely pep-talk thing, I need to find something to write about.
How about school, music, LOVE. Or not.
Seeing that my school life is boring, I have no taste in music, and no love life to speak about.
Wow, a person does not realize how lame they are until they look for a topic to write about in a blog.

Topics in general are hard to find. It takes me a good half a hour to find a half-decent topic to write about for school. Well.. it actually takes less then that but, ALAS procrastination.
My love for you is only over shadowed by the amount of work due tomorrow.

My love for reading shall never be over shadowed ! I promise myself that. For without reading what will I do while I procrastinate? (AN: yes i read when i dont wanna do HW, deal!)
Whether it is a book, a story, a novel, or some fanfiction, reading is what i use to get away from the world.

When I read nothing exist except for me and the words. The rest of the world lies forgotten, along with my problems, my work, my ... You get the point. I have stopped reading only to figure out that my I-Pod has played five songs I did not hear. (AN: i was sooo into reading i did not hear those song :P)

Music, Music, Music.
A song is not like the song of that song.
My tastes in music are wide and not very picky. I will listen to everything. But I prefer Rock, Pop , Heavy Metal, and Techno. I love hearing music from different countries, or in other words, music that is not in English. Don't ask me why, I just do.

pause. Resume.

I just saw the preview, what I felt was long was actually short, not just short but short short, you get the point.

It's a horrible feeling, this feeling, the one you get when you relies that your hard work seems simple and rushed.
"But i worked all night on it"
"No you did not, don't lie to me, i know all your tricks"
"But i did! i pulled an all nighter to finish it!"
"Stop lying, look at this crap, it looks like you spent five minuets on it!"
This is an actually conversation, it was between me and ... myself.

I am very hard on myself . I know you are all thinking but dear friend who thinks they know me, you do not know my mind!
My mind has a mind of its own!
It yells and screams and cries, and dances all at once, while laughing and singing the Macarena.
If I miss some stuff you say, this is the reason!
It is not my fault that I most zone out, so that I can travel into the inner quarters of my mind, just to tell my mind to SHUT UP, so that I can hear you.

Please be aware that my mind is not "voices" in my head. No the "voices" talk to me through my head phones. But that is a story for another day.

I must be going to sleep. I am sorry dear fans (AN: fans = me myself and I, 4 now )that I can not write a longer post, for my Bed is calling me.

Lots of LUB!
