
Saturday, October 3, 2009

40 WHAAAT!!??

This is an essay/speech I wrote last summer while I was at Philips Exeter, ENJOY :)

40 what?

It is an odd experience when an American comedian knows more about your religion then you do.  You might begin to wonder how he knows more then you. A comedian who uses a dummy knows more then you: a Muslim girl who has attended an orthodox Muslim school since kindergarten. If you “do jihad” and die you get forty –not thirty but forty virgin women when you go to heaven.

Since when did you get 40 virgin women if die from jihad? I thought that you only get ask god to forgive ten people of your choice and go through a special door to heaven. In all my five religion courses I have never heard of anything about forty virgins.

When I first heard this fact I went to one of my friend who was in junior year and asked about the forty virgin women. “I don’t know, never heard of anything like that”, was what she told me. Well.. I guess that means she knows nothing because how can the American comedian be wrong?

I wonder if I were to “do jihad” right now what would I get? Since I am a woman would also get forty virgin women? Islam has co-ed reward system. What the men get the women get just as well. So I guess I would get forty women; but that would be contradicting my religion.

Who do I trust? On one side I have a non-Muslim comedian who says if you die because of jihad you get 40 virgin women; and on the other side I have my prior knowledge of Islam, a junior, and every thing I have ever learnt; saying you don't?

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