If you have not read my first post or my 1.5 post read it
or just read this, but I warn you it is less entertaining
on the other hand this might have more information
or not
this is my blog
it has been renamed so many times, I have lost count of both the number and the names
I have a weird writing style, or so say my friends
for I write how I talk
I do not talk how I write
this shall make no sense unless you meet me
then and only then shall you understand
I am not a fan of poetry yet I constantly write poetry and prose
I live in hundreds of worlds, some real, some from books, and some that only live only in my head and only on my paper
The worlds I live in are similar to ours or they are completely different
some of flying cars while others have fire gargons
some have live music while others have the howling wolves of blue
my writing reflects the world I am in
When I am in one, I write differently then when I am in another
yet my basic style stays the same
short choppy sentences
full of staccato with a hint of legato
my words are my own
some might hint others
but that is unintentional
I try to stay true to only me
and sometimes that can be hard
and sometimes it can be easy
but the world is like that
so I must live in it
and so must you..
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