
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

That Tonights Gonna Be A Good Night

Can’t Fight This… Feeling



It’s an amazing feeling, the heart pumping so hard that it might burst alongside the inability to breathe, adrenalin making everything so clear alongside the impossibility of rational thinking, fight or flight, basic human nature. This feeling, a natural drug created by our own bodies, has become an addiction for many people.  It used to be that the most popular way to achieve this high was to do daring, dangerous, and all around idiotic feats, may they be sky diving, lying, fighting.  Thankfully, the king (or queen) has been dethroned, and in their place lays a new ruler: scary movies.


Scary movies, may they be horror or suspense, have become more and more popular with the younger generations. Titles such as: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Silence of the Lambs, The Blair Witch Project have made movie history and have spawned many imitations. Yet what is it that keeps the audience hooked on scary movies, and has them constantly wanting more?


When asked why she adores scary movies, horror in particular, my good friend Doodi would not hesitate to answer, “ They help let my anger out”.  When I asked her to elaborate Doodi went on to explain that watching girls, and guys, get chopped into pieces, while hearing their screams, is a great way to relieve stress and anger.


I personally enjoy watching scary movies because I have a odd need for fear. I enjoy freaking myself out. Like when I watched the movie Orphan. I have always had it in my head that when I get older I will either adopt or foster children, now I doubt you could get me within 100 ft. of an orphanage, and if you actually did, I would run, screaming bloody murder, towards the nearest exit.


With Halloween just around the river bend, scary movies are popping out of studios like jiffy pop with a hole in it. Some of these movies are The Step Father, Paranormal Activity, and Saw IV.  Will the teens who watch these movies fight it out and watch the movie to the end? Or will they choose to run out of the theater faster then Hermes on a good day?




1 comment:

  1. I love that song. Did you see the video with Oprah?
    It's interesting how you went from communism and Che Guivara to eventually scary movies. Tell Doodi and Rinard I say hi <3
