
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The omegle chat the PWNS all other omegle chats XD

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi sweets
Stranger: Hey pumpkin!
You: long time no see! did you get a sex change?? what r u now m or f?
Stranger: well.. i thought after you were forcefully castrated because of sex change.. it wasn't wise to go for any such procedure
You: ahhh,
You: thankfuly i dont need one
You: as you can tell
You: i am still f
Stranger: oh.. another sex change..
You: how old r u now, r those wrinkles i see?
Stranger: well after the castratation i guess u needed one..
You: poor sweety
Stranger: well thats the skin u shed during the time you were banished..
Stranger: i guess u're suffering from amenisia..
You: OMG!! how did u no??
You: i kept it a secret
Stranger: becoz it was beamed live sugar..
You: :'(
Stranger: everyon knows..
You: but thanks for telling me
You: noww i can kill the people in charge of the TV station
Stranger: well..u prob. don't remember but it was your wish in the first place.
You: what r u talking about??
You: OMG dont tell me thats what they told u??!!!
Stranger: amnesia is totally killing you .. sweetums
You: will you help me remember my past hunny bum
Stranger: probably due to hormonal changes
Stranger: no point doing that..
You: why not
You: ?
Stranger: you won't recollect it the next morning
Stranger: you have amnesia.
Stranger: good lord..
You: oooh ya i forgot
You: thank you for reminding me
Stranger: you can't remember this even..
You: yes i will, i will always remember u!
You: i will dream of you
You: like that person from 50 first dates
Stranger: well.. you just said long time no see..
You: because i remember you
Stranger: their was a video tape for you too.
You: really!!! i wanna watch it
You: i hope they got my good side
Stranger: you cant.. babydoll..
You: why not love?
Stranger: because your eyes are closed..
You: really??
You: so am i like blind?
Stranger: candy heart.. you are asleep..
Stranger: this is a dream..
You: this is a dream! ur a dream?!
Stranger: well you said you dream about me .. remember..
You: but i want you to be real.... i miss you... so very very much
Stranger: i am always with you..soulmate..
Stranger: you just don't remember it..
You: i do i do remember you
You: you make me remember
Stranger: that is exactly what I am doing.. honey.
You: my heart it is overflowing with memories, memories of my love for u
Stranger: I am your alter ego. paramour.
You: no you cant be, that means i like myself! weird
Stranger: well.. weird it maybe but thats true..
Stranger: you have made this up in your mind.
Stranger: there is no coming back..
You: no i haven't, my love is to great to be fake
Stranger: all you can do is keep on dreaming..
Stranger: it is not fake..
Stranger: your love is eternal..
Stranger: its immortal..
You: i will keep on dreaming and i will keep on loving
Stranger: its always with you..
Stranger: its always in you..
Stranger: it is you..
Stranger: dream or not..
You: no, its you
You: you are my emotion of love
Stranger: you will always have your truelove
You: you have taught me how to love again
Stranger: I am just a figment of your imagination..
You: (random note: do u have facebook??)
Stranger: I will teach you to live again..
You: no u r not
You: u r as real as me
Stranger: //that depends on you.. do you have a facebook acc..
You: yup :P
Stranger: I am as real as your dreams..
Stranger: //then your alter ego too has a facebook acc.
You: and my dreams will become reality
You: what is my alter ego's account
You: ??
Stranger: then you will learn to live again..
Stranger: whats your account??
You: with you by my side
You: shadia al-shafei
You: urs?
Stranger: //well good then..
Stranger: //you should know your love's facebook acc.. after all its your alter ego..
You: what is it?
You: what is urs?
Stranger: //why do you want to know?
You: you should know your love's facebook acc
You: .......
Stranger: ..hmm.. well played.. but the point is you neednot ask it .. it should be always known to you..
Stranger: you break my heart..
You: i have aminisia
You: you must help me remember
Stranger: lol..
Stranger: well you already know it..
You: i do??
Stranger: yeah..
Stranger: ask yourself..
You: ummmmmmmmm... bob??
Stranger: bob was your mentor silly...
You: well then, is it: joe the plumber??
Stranger: do you wanna him to be??
You: no
Stranger: then its no..
You: he's old
You: give me a clue ooh love of mine!!
Abeer Al-Mousa
Stranger: does that ring a bell?
You: LIAR!!!!!
You: loooooooooool
You: goolee walla!!!!
Stranger: i am you..
Stranger: if you lie .. i lie..
You: and sweets abeer does not no english that well
Stranger: its a hint ..
You: it would have been better if you said Raghad
You: or jessica
Stranger: what does goolee mean though.. sweetums?
You: if you were abeer you would no love
Stranger: i told you it was a hint..
Stranger: how you interpret is your choice
Stranger: okay..
Stranger: i will tell you..
You: .....
Stranger: if you tell me the meaning of goolee..
You: it means tell me
Stranger: alright..
You: sooo
Stranger: so is it a slang or.. the actual word..
You: its arabic
Stranger: I am form Dhahran Ahliyya .
Stranger: *from
Stranger: okay
Stranger: happy sweetheart
Stranger: batch of 2011
You: hmmmm
You: let me see
Stranger: I am Alex.
You: ....????
You: i don;t no any one in my year called alex
You: sooo
You: let me give u a simple quiz
Stranger: how many times do i have to tell hav amnesia...!!!!!
You: how many boys do i have in my school??
Stranger: how do you want?
You: ???
Stranger: how many boys do you want in your class?
You: guess the number of boys in my grade (just to make easier
You: :)
Stranger: 0.
Stranger: but your heart wants more
You: is this Danya???
You: or is it Sarah???
Stranger: do you want this to be Danya.
Stranger: or Sarah.
Stranger: wow.. you are attracted to girls..
Stranger: no wonder.. the sex change operations..
Stranger: alright i guess i have bugged you enough..
You: yes you have..
Stranger: but to be fair you started it..
You: im sorry alter ego
You: but please tell me who you r??
Stranger: i understand sweety pie!
Stranger: umm.. well ..
You: ..........
You: -_-
Stranger: do you want to be friends?
You: ok :D
You: but really who r u??
Stranger: do you have your facebook open?
You: yup :)
Stranger: n how many boys are their in a girls school?
You: hurry cause for real i have 2 go
Stranger: okay..
You: one the security
Stranger: I am not anyone you already know.
Stranger: My name is Apurv Sinha.
You: hi :)
You: add me on fb cause i really need to go
Stranger: alright.. love :) good bye!
You: or i am going to killed by my friend's little sis :P
You: who is taller then me
Stranger: don't worry.. your love will protect you..
You: okk g2g
You: BYE!!!!!
You: ♥
Stranger: bbye!!
You have disconnected.


  1. wooow hahahahahahaha SERIOUSLY!
    kicks Danya's post's ass :P

    We should have a...
    What happens on Omegle....
    Goes on blogspot!

  2. I'm not really sure I appreciate you saying that, Samar.
    It does kick its bootie.
    But that's a private matter between both our posts' booties.
    Does your post have a bootie?
    You don't even have an Omegle post.
    So you're bootie-less and post-less.
    So you shouldn't even interfere in our Omegle bootie affairs.
    Right, Shadia?
    I knew you'd see my way.
