
Monday, June 1, 2009

A short story

This is a short story I am working on, it's about my school (DAS) and my friends, but with a few changes to make it a whole hell lot more interesting,

I have not proof read it, so I probably have tons of grammar and spelling mistakes :P


Year 1

“Pass the gun,” I told Amanda “I want to say bye to this class”.
“Same here, this class makes Hasib (7asib / computer) seem interesting and fun” She replied all sleepy like. She made a gun gesture with her hand, and pointed it to her head. “Bang.. bang” she said “I’m dead”
“Jerk” I said glaringly at her “you could have waited for me.”
“Oops, sorry”
“What ever, your forgiven, but only if you give me the gun”
“Here” she made a mime of throwing something. I mimed catching. And with nimble fingers I made a gun and blow out my brains. Or so I wished.

It was only after 20 long minuets, which felt like three hours, was I, and the rest of the class, able to leave.

“God have mercy on us” I said, while throwing my arms around Amanda’s shoulders, leaning my head into the middle of her shoulder blades, “if I have to live through one more Aarabi (Arabic / 3arabi) class I am going to commit seppuku.”

“Seppuku?” Amanda asked me, while rolling her shoulder to push me away. I let go and moved to the side and fell into step with her.

“Ritual suicide” I replied with a smile, “you stick a sword into her stomach, then if you don’t like make noise, some one slices your head off.”

“Lets do that”
“Yaa, we could make your sister chop our heads off”
“Which one?”
“The youngest.”
“I’ll get a sword to stab our selves but you need to get the other sword.”

I know what your thinking lame ass, Japan freak, looser, or if you go by the name Daina or Sami: HOOOOOOOOZER!!!!! .

OK so we are over dramatic freaks, who just happen to be giant nerds, a point I don’t believe you picked up on yet.

So after learning that fact your probably wondering why to loser nerds are hating a class, so as most stories go, I am going to take a break from reality to tell you about yours truly and all my Mary-Sue friends.

First Me, or as the rest of the world calls me: Milly Karr or The Milly-Mobile. Yes, lame nickname but its mine.

(Taken from my FaceBook profile)

I’m just your average 16-year-old sophomore, ok not really. I am UBER-hyper sometimes, extremely lazy most-times. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire. I never do my homework, but I’m the queen of copying it. Somehow I get good grades. I am quick to understand stuff and am an MUN geek. I like reading and I’m a pyromaniac.

(/Taken from my FaceBook profile)

Now Amanda:
Her name full name is Amanda Turner, or Termi-manda (think terminator), or just Mandy.
We have known each other since ever but we only became friends in Junior High. She used to be an annoying nerd, goody-two-shoes to the max before we became friends. I am proud to say that I taught her how to curse like a pro-baller, bitch like a drunk, and slack like a college student. I’m so proud.
It was during our freshmen year that we came up with the “Kill Myself/Suicide” game, in which we come up with ways to kill ourselves, then try to mime them out with out or teachers noticing.
Were messed up, I know, but so is every one else in our school.

Welcome to my school: Marker Pride Schools, or MPS for short. It is the best school in our area, but also the hardest.

1 comment:

    God, I love your blog! It's so personal <3
    AND HELARIUOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Shoody can't wait to read your next post :P
