
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pick A Song

Choose any song then write what ever come to your mind...

my song:

what i wrote:

Come dance with me
Your two left feet fit perfectly with mine
My two right feet


My school is based on book smarts, only book smarts
At least that's how I feel,

I know people who get better grades then me but I know that I am smarter then them, not that I am a narcissist, I am saying this from everyday interactions in and outside the class

I understand stuff extremely fast, I also can’t remember anything important to save my life, I can remember a song or a joke or a rhyme but when It comes to school subjects:
In one ear and out the other

Girls who get near perfect grades or even perfect grades are sometimes the biggest idiots I have ever met,
They cant understand the simplest of problems, they always get confused, they can’t solve problems, but they can memorize, so they get better grades then me

When a teacher explains something hey always build up, starting slowly, then boom they give you the information,
I get it from the first few words…

When I was in ninth grade I understood myself a whole chapter by looking at one question, that was before the teacher opened her mouth,
That was before the question got answered


Is it ok to cry
For no reason
When your heart screams

Is it ok to scream
Just yell and yell
Let everything

Is it ok?


Dance like there is no yesterday or tomorrow
Sing like no one can hear and the only the earth can
Scream like the all the world is deaf and the heavens are listening
Cry like there is no hope and then like there is hope because there is
This day is yours
Forget the world
Think only of yourself
Live only for yourself
For one day

God dam it

1 comment:

  1. aaaaaaaah
    i love you chillin' you sounded
    awesome song
    awesome post
    and second^472475092584920 on religion subjects. Pure memory. Even math is now based on memory.

