
Monday, November 22, 2010

What does "Good Governance" truly mean...

What does "Good Governance" truly mean?

Yes it has to do with transparency, rule of law, and all that bla bla

but what the delegate is asking is:

What does it mean for us? The people

What does it mean for a persom to live in a country that has "good governance"?

The average birthrate of citizens in a country with "good governance" is about _____ lower then that of a country with "not so great governance"

The average live birthrate on the other hand is _______ in countries with "good governance" as opposed to ______

You are less likely to be discriminated against in a country with good governance because of your color, your background or religion

A government with good governance treats all its citizens equally, fairly, and justly

If you have a problem and you are a country with good governance, chances are your problem will be solved effectively and efficiently, unless its with your spouse cause that is a whole other story

In a country with good governance you are heard, your voice is heard, not matter how low and small you feel your voice is... it will be heard

that is why we, Sweden, strive for that

not for ourselves but for our people

Thank you...

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