
Saturday, December 25, 2010

To My Future Roomy AKA My Stanford Sup....

I made a decision when I was thirteen. I would never again bake a cake from a box, or a package, or anything similar. Instead I would only make cakes from scratch. And thus, I began my journey into the lovely world   of being covered in flour.

The first time I baked a cake from scratch, it turned out amazing: super moist, super yummy, and just, well, super. (And yes, my mother did do most of the backing, but hey! I helped.) The second time... well...

I decided to use a recipe I found online, it seemed pretty easy, I mean how hard can carrot cake be?

Five minutes into the baking process: "Hey mom, sorry for bothering you at work, but what the heck are purred carrots? And what do walnuts look like?"

My first few attempts baking on my own ended with burt carrots, burnt fingers, and a cake that mysteriously turned green.

But no need to worry about food poising, future roomy, I have become a pro. So the only thing you should worry about is your waistline that is guaranteed to expand.


stany supplement ....

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