
Friday, December 31, 2010


Sarcasm... Sarcasm... Where are thou Sarcasm?


Once Upon

a winter's night

a had a very .......... fright





All these college essays have made me loose insparation

they make writing feel like a chore



Monday, December 27, 2010

Tufts Optional Essay

The first time I baked a cake from scratch, it turned out amazing: super moist, super yummy, and just, well, super. (And yes, my mother did do most of the backing, but hey! I helped.)

That is when I decided that I would never again bake a cake from a box, or a package, or anything similar. Instead I would only make cakes from scratch. And thus, I began my journey into the lovely world   of being covered in flour.

The second time I tried to make a cake from scratch (this time without my mother) well...

I decided to use a recipe I found online, it seemed pretty easy, I mean how hard can carrot cake be?

Five minutes into the baking process: "Hey mom, sorry for bothering you at work, but what the heck are purred carrots? And what do walnuts look like?"

My first few attempts baking on my own ended with burt carrots, burnt fingers, and a cake that mysteriously turned green. But I never let that get me down; I kept baking more and more. And soon enough I had the ability to make a killer red velvet cake, an amazing german chocolate cake, and a perfect carrot cake.

I, then, started trying to bake things that were not cake: I made pies, mountains of cookies, brownies, breads, muffins...etc. And slowly but surely, I started getting better at baking in general. I started playing around with the recipes I once followed religiously: adding ingredients, taking others away, changing them to suite my needs.

And now I can confidently say that if try anything I make, you won't food poisoning, but your waistline might increase.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why I want To go To Stanford

You have to make a choice. You can’t do both. They are too different. Choose A or B, never both. This seems to be the general feeling, at least where I live, about the two passions I have: Science and Politics.

Writing a program that successfully gets the attacker scoring goals on the opposing team, as opposed to our own, gets me just as excited as standing up and giving a speech on the responsibilities of States internationally wrongful acts.

To have the ability to go after all my passions is why I want to go to Stanford. I want to learn and live in an environment that promotes passions and gives students the opportunity to not only follow all their passions but also find links between them.

I want to go to Stanford because I will not have to label myself as either the “Science Girl” or the “Humanities Girl”. I want to go to Stanford because there I will be the “Girl Who is Doing What She Loves”.




I truthfully have very little clue about what I want to do in my future. Do I want to work for some company as an engineer? Do I want to be the one running that company? Do I want to go into politics? Do I want to work for the UNICEF and promote children’s rights? Do I want to go to Pakistan or Haiti or Africa and build schools? Do I want to become a political activist? Do I want to promote secularism? Do I want to promote peace?

I really have no clue.

I want to continue my education in a place that is flexible, that will give me opportunities to explore options I both dreamed of trying and options I never knew existed.

That is why I want to go to Stanford. The amount of different programs available is amazing: from leadership programs directed towards minority students to programs on innovative design to an atmosphere that promotes entrepreneurship.

I want to go to Stanford because there I will find the answer to “what do you want to do?”



why is it everything i write sounds shallow?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My changing writing style

Just looking at what and how I used to write and what I write now, I see a huge difference. There are still some similarities such as my love for short sentences and paragraphs (I love short paragraphs <3) but there have been many changes. I have become a bit more dark and a bit more pessimistic in my writing, and maybe just a little bit more poetic.

I blame Shakespeare.

I have amazingly kept my naïve sense of

fill in the blank  to finish your essay

Future Roomy 2.0 stany supp


Hey Roomy,


I scored a few tickets to that musical that just came out, the one about the cat who falls in love with a banana. I was wondering if you wanted to come?




To Sleepy Head


Wasn’t the musical amazing? The girl who played the orange was the best; I wish I could sing like that…

Anyways, I am going to pick up some detergent at Walmart, do you need anything from there? Also, there is an open discussion on the situation between North and South Korea from 5 to 7. Everyone is going, so why don’t you meet us there AFTER you finish your  IHUM paper.


p.s. The orange juice is going to expire soon, so drink it.


Mrs. Future President,

Don't feel so bad about what red shirt guy said, he had no clue what he was talking about. I mean really, how can anyone believe that the only solution is a nuclear war! I made red velvet cupcakes with the piggy sprinkles you like, so eat them while finishing your IHUM paper. Don't forget that our neighbors are throwing a House party! Three hours of watching the sarcastic doctor, HEVEN!


Your most awesome loving totally amazing Roommate ever,

Shadia <3


To My Future Roomy AKA My Stanford Sup....

I made a decision when I was thirteen. I would never again bake a cake from a box, or a package, or anything similar. Instead I would only make cakes from scratch. And thus, I began my journey into the lovely world   of being covered in flour.

The first time I baked a cake from scratch, it turned out amazing: super moist, super yummy, and just, well, super. (And yes, my mother did do most of the backing, but hey! I helped.) The second time... well...

I decided to use a recipe I found online, it seemed pretty easy, I mean how hard can carrot cake be?

Five minutes into the baking process: "Hey mom, sorry for bothering you at work, but what the heck are purred carrots? And what do walnuts look like?"

My first few attempts baking on my own ended with burt carrots, burnt fingers, and a cake that mysteriously turned green.

But no need to worry about food poising, future roomy, I have become a pro. So the only thing you should worry about is your waistline that is guaranteed to expand.


stany supplement ....

I have really bad writer's block

Like most wannabe writers and writers, I get writer's block, and I get it frequently. But recently the writer's block seems worse then usual. I can't seem to write anything besides short pointless sentences. Not the greatest thing when college deadlines are 5 days away.

Shit maaaaaan

Purple Peas

It was a fancy coat, a deep royal purple with six buttons on each side.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Romeo and Juliet


Would a rose by any other name smell just as sweet …

I tried to smell a rose

It smelt of dirt

Not of love or happiness

But dirt

Then I realized that is what love smells like

Monday, December 13, 2010

To Be a Poet

Is to be insane, or to lack sanity. But not both. Once you have both you do not have  the ability to be a poet. I am sorry. But fear not, there is a way to become insane or to lose your sanity while not losing your sanity or becoming insane. BUT, I can't tell you how that happens. That is for you to find out, it is the fun part. To run, to look, to hide for the truth, for the answer... That is where poems are created and how they are written.. Inspiration hits you like a kitten, nudging you gently; if you are not carful you will not hear it when it comes around...