
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Old writings

I am not sure if I posted these on my blog but whatever. Most of these poems were written when I was in tenth or ninth grade, so beware.


The world is black. At least that is how it is to me. My eyes are doorways to the dark abyss.

Is this the world of the blind?? Sitting idle in our little safe zone hoping nothing will happen???

Event when we close our eyes we cannot experience the world of darkness that haunts the blind. We cannot learn to see with our ears and hands no matter how hard we try. If we lose our way we open our eyes a crack. The light piercing the dark. Making it wither and withdraw. This allows us to find our way so easily.

We can never ever event begin to imagine being blind and lost. For it is not the blind that are sitting idle in comfort zones but the seeing.


Think Positively

Think positively

You will be happier

The world will have a shine

All your dreams will come true

Ooh ya, you will also face hearts breaks every second

Things don't always go your way

The world is not a nice place

Its built on broken dreams

Only when you admit that

Can you start living

Hiding behind rose tinted glasses

Will only bring sadness

Be realistic

Your dreams wont always come true

Things wont always go your way

Believing that it will make your heart break

And broken hearts hurt like...


When I try to be positive, when I think everything will be great, when I think a day is perfect

I end up crying

Back home

All alone

My greatest moments happen when I think negatively

Or more realistically

Because life proves me wrong

And that feeling is better then anything in the world


When you think positively,

When bad stuff happens,

When you fail,

Life really sucks

You feel like crap

When good stuff happens,

You don't really get excited

You already knew that god thing was gonna happen,

Or at the least you were expecting it

When you think realistically,

When bad stuff happens,

You were expecting it,

You don't feel as sad,

So ya,

And when the world proves you wrong,

And all goes right,

It feels amazing

It feels right…



*I thought I was gonna do soo bad at BERMUN,

I called my friend, nearly crying

And I became a main submitter

*I thought I was not going to get into MUN

cause I rushed and stuttered through my speech

but I got in

*I thought that I was going to die one night

I woke up alive :P

*I thought that my friends gave a shit about my Birthday

I was wrong (this does not include thani thanawi or maism or doodi or lulu)

*I thought I bought Sims 2

I got a fake

*I thought that my parent were gonna get me a thing I really wanted

They did not

Soo ya

Thank you :)


I am a Storm





Ever heard of these words???

I guess not

Because you are obsessed with your cookie-cutter essays,




Not every one is like you

Like your perfect little vision

We are our own people

And you can’t control me

You never will be able to

I’m a storm

Deduct my marks

Get me in trouble

I’m going far places

And you are never gonna move



You say you want to teach us to be leaders of tomorrow

Truthfully you are teaching us how to be followers of today and ever

You are not helping us

You are bring us down

You lie

You discriminate

You CRUSH creativity

And that is why

We will always hate you


Type type type and see what comes out no backspacs no editing let your mistakes shine like  stars because that is what mistakes are . when they r first born they shine and shine but no worries they will die but sadly the after affect of the mistake still lives with us we most learn to ignore them.

Reaserch reasech I hate spelling lol spelling is for the weak minded

When false is reality and reality is false.

Dragons. Flying on the sky. That's what I do. Watch them. Blue brown red. Black. A waste of time is what land lady says. Better off  focusing on my job. Shucking corn. I do both. Watch and work. I want to fly. Like the dragons.

“Where is that good for nuthin’?”

vocabulary makes u sound smart.

Vocabulary makes one


What to call this?

Ode to long lay overs

I hate I love I am

Love? Hate? Wich is wich?

Why is spelling important?

Itachi’s theme song has finished

Now mystical ninjas I belive  ahh no shikamaru’s theme

How do people write?

How do they get words on apaper?

How do they link one sentence to another?

How do they stick to topic?

When writing a story…

What 22 write

Let the words flow

No wrong or right just me and me beliving

Writing what comes 2 mind

Tears. They were all crying, so was I. I did not want to die. A fool could sence the lust in him. The lust for blood, our blood.

In the world of dragons , elfs and mygic Non mygicals were considered the lowest of the low. Mothers killed their non mygical children or left them in the slums and waste areas. Rats were more revered then the non magicals. For rats had mygic benefits. I was two when I was left at the slums of the fourth sector. AKA: the worst of the worst. I had less mygic then a door knob there for I was useless.

Fucked sector is what the inhabitants call it. That is because if you live here your have been fucked over are fucked over or will be fucked over by a mygical.

I walk to the job asined to me by the sector head. The roads are filth and there are bodies of dead that have yet to be carted off littering the paths. This is a normal walk to work for me.

In the world of dragons , elfs and mygic Non mygicals were considered the lowest of the low. Mothers killed their non mygical children or left them in the slums and waste areas. Rats were more revered then the non magicals. For rats had mygic benefits.

Ona stood at the gate of the Fourth Sector of The City of Igar. The walls around the sector were over 50 paces high. To a out of towner the 4th sector might be the home of the richand the walls were for keeping the rifraf out. Ona knew this comin mistakes was far far from what the truth was. Igar’s

Sarcasm is what I do


Ok I realized that some of this is not poems at all

wow... I wrote weird stuff

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